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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education Vision
At Hujjat Primary School, we are committed to the holistic development of all our children. The primary aim of PSHE is to ensure all children are equipped to make positive choices that affect their mental and physical health, as well as the ability to build positive relationships with others, underpinned by our SHINE curriculum and school values. These are all the key skills required to lead happy, healthy lives and thrive, as well as to build resilience through life’s challenges and celebrate personal successes.
How we learn about Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
We have a bespoke PSHE curriculum which is taught discreetly from Early Years through to the other year groups; we also believe that it’s key strands (Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World) should permeate through everyday interactions in school and across all areas of the curriculum. Often PSHE requires the sensitive handling of children’s emotions and their understanding of the world, therefore we believe that the class teacher is primarily equipped to deliver this. Children also collaboratively maintain a class PSHE book, as well as engage in weekly assemblies to showcase and celebrate school values and achievements.
How we deliver the Curriculum
We follow the Early Years Framework and our school’s PSHE curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2 naturally builds upon the skills and knowledge children acquire through the Prime Areas in the EYFS Early Learning Goals, as well as scientific and moral concepts taught through Understanding the World. In addition, we have developed bespoke lessons to teach statutory strands of PSHE: Relationships and Health Education (RHE). This is with guidance and in collaboration with our school’s Trust and staff members.
In His Name, the Most High
Hujjat School Trust, trading as Hujjat Primary School, is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales.
Registered number 09257213. Registered office: Hujjat Primary School, Brookshill, Harrow, HA3 6RR