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Islamic philosophy emphasises that education must be for the holistic development of the individual and of society. Our commitment to outstanding academic achievement therefore goes hand-in-hand with the nurture of values, which underpin the development of good character ("akhlaq").
The learning journey will grow mind, body and character through:
A broad, balanced, vibrant and inclusive core curriculum that fosters curiosity and outstanding academic achievement.
Experiential teaching, enrichment activities that are a feast for the senses, and focused time on health, hygiene, nutrition, personal and social skills.
A values curriculum through which we will develop the virtues of good character, enabling our pupils to apply their knowledge and turn it into action for the benefit of our school and the wider community.
Hujjat Primary embodies high expectations, high standards, and will enable children to engage with local, national and international initiatives that will reflect the diversity in our community.
Curriculum Aims
To Create:
Successful Learners who enjoy learning, make good progress and achieve excellence;
Confident individuals who can live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives;
Responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society.
Strategic Intent
To develop a curriculum which:
Creates an aspirational high achievement culture;
Delivers an ambitious, broad, balanced, challenging and inclusive curriculum underpinned by values, that will put high academic attainment, good character and therefore good citizenship at its core;
Encourages the ability to think, question and reflect independently and achieve well above local and national averages for Reading, Writing and Maths;
Develops confident, respectful and effective communicators who can express themselves, make informed choices and build positive relationships;
Develops pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding through our values which will be the foundation of everything we do at the school;
Takes account of pupils’ individual needs and styles of learning;
Well-rounded and responsible citizens with a respect and appreciation for the rights, views, values and property of others, and who make a positive contribution to the school and the community beyond;
Allows everyone to experience success;
Supports the raising of attainment.
The Board of Trustees recognises the National Curriculum (NC) as a national benchmark of excellence for all schools and a reference point for teachers and parents about what children are expected to learn. Hujjat Primary School therefore offers an ambitious, broad, balanced and vibrant curriculum with reference to the NC, whilst also giving time for children to extend their learning, building on their proficiency in their home languages and engage with local, national and international activities which reflect the diversity of our community both within and outside the school.
Our curriculum encourages high standards and ensures that pupils have the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in key subject areas and enable them to progress confidently and successfully through to the next stage of their education. We provide extension programmes for the more able/gifted and talented children, additional support for children with EAL and specialised support for children with special educational needs and disabilities. We also pay attention to the needs of all children who may be underachieving but additionally focusing on pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding ensuring that any barriers to learning are addressed and that they are given the best possible chance to succeed.
Our values are supported by resource packs for all adults at the school and include example activities and cross-curricular links, discussion topics, literary resources, relevant web sites, behaviour expectations and Islamic teachings to support the planning process and also to ensure that all children and adults at the school are aware that these core human values are also central to the Islamic faith.
We are committed to ensuring the highest quality of teaching and learning by recruiting teachers with a passion for and commitment to developing children’s learning thus ensuring the best possible outcomes for their pupils. Partnership with Parents is a key feature of the school and we will work closely with parents to support their children’s learning and values at home. The school is committed to work alongside our partner schools (Harrow Cluster and The Elliot Foundation) to support and challenge the quality of curriculum provided by Hujjat Primary School.
In His Name, the Most High
Hujjat School Trust, trading as Hujjat Primary School, is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales.
Registered number 09257213. Registered office: Hujjat Primary School, Brookshill, Harrow, HA3 6RR