Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Hujjat School Trust, like all Single Academy Trusts, has the legal status of a Company but is also recognised as a Charitable Trust. We have 3 layers of governance:
Members are the custodians of the governance of the Trust. The first Members were signatories to the Memorandum of Association when the Trust was set up, and they agreed the trust’s Articles of Association. Their role is to ensure that the academy trust’s charitable objectives are being met, maintain an overview of the effectiveness of the trust structure and they can appoint/remove trustees.
Our Members:
Mustafa Mohamed - Chair
Janet Hilary
Shaheen Hirji
Mohammed-Azeem Merali
Trustees hold the responsibilities of company directors, charity trustees and school governors. They have a duty of compliance, ensuring all relevant laws and regulations are followed.
The three core functions of the Board of Trustees are:
Our trustees must be autonomous in their decision-making and avoid conflicts of interest. For example, if they are connected to another organisation, their decisions as a trustee must be made independently. Our Board includes 1 Parent Trustee.
Our Trustees
Shaheen Hirji - Chair and H&S Link Trustee
Zafar Ali - Vice Chair and Safeguarding Link Trustee
Hugh Greenway
Nadim Kapadia
Warsame Khalif
Suquena Panjwani
Fatema Rahemani
Safiya Virji
A committee is a smaller group of Trustees and specialist advisers who are chosen to represent the full governing board to receive information, make decisions on its behalf (where delegated), and act as a clear channel of communication to inform the wider work of the full board.
Committees enable the Board to remain strategic in its approach to overseeing both the educational and financial performance of the school as it grows. We have constituted the following committees. Their remit (Terms of Reference) are reviewed annually and are available on request from the school office.
Our Committees:
Finance, Resources & Audit - Chaired by Nadim Kapadia
Teaching & Learning - Chaired by Shaheen Hirji
Faith & Pastoral - Chaired by Suquena Panjwani
In His Name, the Most High
Hujjat School Trust, trading as Hujjat Primary School, is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales.
Registered number 09257213. Registered office: Hujjat Primary School, Brookshill, Harrow, HA3 6RR